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College Introduction

         Liaoning Mechatronics College is located in  Dandong City, the most beautiful border city of China, facing Sinuiju City of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea across the Yalu River. Its predecessor, Liaoning Meters and Instruments Technical School, a state-class key technical secondary school,  was first established in 1965. And it was approved to be upgraded as a higher vocational college by the provincial government in 2002. Directly subordinate to the Education Department of Liaoning Province, it has been designated as a vocational education teachers' qualification training base in the nationwide key construction projects and scarce-skills talents training base in the national numeric control technology. At present, it is recognized as one of the backbone vocational colleges in the national machinery industry and one of the first batch of demonstrative college construction units of vocational education reform and development in Liaoning Province.
         The college is a higher vocational college, taking engineering courses as the principal part, electromechanical and meters and instruments specialties as distinguishing features, giving consideration to automobiles, business administration, information technology, gold and jewelry specialties, providing a full-time education with record of formal schooling, laying equal stress on the development of both vocational training and technical services in terms of scientific research.
         The college covers an area of 566 mu and its gross floor area takes up over160,000 square meters with two campuses, the Langtou Campus being at North Ring Road, Harbor Industry Park, Dandong City and the Meters and Instruments Park Campus being at the Liaoning Meters and Instruments Industrial Base, New City Area, Dandong City.
         With 8000 currently enrolled full-time students, it has established ten academic units including the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Engineering,  Automatic Control Engineering, Information Engineering, the Sub-colleges of  Yellow Sea Automotive Engineering and North Gold and Jewelry, the Departments of Essential Teaching, Ideology and Politics Teaching and Physical Education. Covering 39 specialties (professional emphasis), it has opened ten specialty groups, including instruments and meters, automatics, machining technology, material molding technology, non-destructive testing technology, automotive engineering, gold and jewelry processing, industrial design, computer application, manufacturing and service industry, and applied linguistics, among which Electric Automatization has been designated as a national grade selected major for experiments in educational reform and the Detecting Technique and Application has been granted the title of Unique Specialty in the National Machinery Industry. The specialties of Mechatronics and Logistics Management are project construction  specialties supported financially by the Central Government to upgrade the industry development ability of the specialties in serving the industry; seven specialties are determined as provincial- grade demonstrative (brand) specialties including Machinofacture and Robotization and E-Commerce. Besides, there are fourteen illustrious quality courses at the provincial level and some teaching achievements have won awards, one at state level and 24 at provincial level.
         In the college at present, there are 425 faculty and staff members, including 336 full-time teachers, among whom 108 are teachers with the title of a senior or sub-senior professional post; 90.6% of the professional teachers are ‘dual-certificate quality’ teachers. Four teaching teams are recognized as excellent at the provincial level. Also among the full-time teachers, there are three star teachers in the provincial college education, five provincial grade specialty foregoers, five excellent young backbone teachers in the provincial colleges and universities, three academic pacesetters  nominated in natural science in Dandong City, one talent who was selected at the hundred level, one at the thousand level, and fourteen at the ten thousand level, for the project of the "Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand Talents"; twelve teachers holding posts on the specialty guiding committees of higher vocational education in the Ministry of Education, in Liaoning Province and in the national machinery industry and twenty-seven teachers holding the posts of science and technology appraisal experts in Dandong City.
         The college is equipped with vocational skills authentication institutes at the state, province and city levels, and ten training bases, engaging in the appraisal of intermediate and advanced vocational skills for thirty-two professions. In 2014  ,nearly 30,000 person-time has been vocationally trained and professionally verified. The college actively promotes international exchange and cooperation, establishing close relations of cooperation with the Swan TAFE in Australia, the Nanyang Technical Institute (NTI)in Singapore, the New Japan College in Japan, Kettering University and DeVry University in the United States. Students have been sent to Paichai University, the Republic of Korea with the help of the intramural Paichai Korean language education center.
         The total value of the existing teaching instrument and equipment runs up to 45.57 million yuan. The college has four national level training bases including electrical and electronic techniques and automation, CNC technology, process automation, automobile making and assembly technique. It has also set up 7 provincial level training bases of innovation-type among which are mould making technique and detecting technique, 60 laboratories and 117 extramural training bases. Since 2007, teachers and students from the college have borne the palm at skills competitions of different kinds and levels, of which 45 awards are at the national level ( including 2 grand prize, 13 first prize, 15 second prize, and 15 third prize); 69 awards are at provincial level (including 7 grand prize, 23 first prize, 26 second prize, 13 third prize). In 2014 alone, the college had the honor to win the second prize in the finals at the national software entrepreneur team competition, the third prize in the national college students NDT skills competition, third prize of the individual in the national software design competition, first prize at the Liaoning competition area of the Fourth National Printing Skills Competition, one first prize and two third prize at the provincial higher vocational college skills competitions, second prize at provincial college students cheerleading and hip-hop championships, third prize at the provincial college and university competition of psychological health education and teaching.
         In recent years, taking the service of regional economic development as its own duty, the innovation of the college- running system and mechanism as its sally port, the reform of talents cultivation mode as its fundamental, the college has found a road of development with such characteristics as interactive development of the community, college and enterprise and the running of the college by combining teaching with research and industry. The college and the Liaoning SG Automotive Group jointly established the Yellow Sea Automotive Engineering Sub-college by way of the shareholding cooperative system. It also joined hands with the Dandong China Gold Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. and established the North Gold & Jewelry Sub-college in the management mode of board of directors. The college took the lead and organized the Liaoning Meters & Instruments Vocational Education Group, which was approved by the provincial department of education as the first demonstrative vocational education group.
         In order to upgrade employment rate and quality, the college has always been centering on the goal that ‘students are satisfied; parents are at ease; and enterprises prefer’ Employers of graduates range from large key enterprises outside the province including PetroChina, China First Heavy Industries, Haier Group, Great Wall Automobile, FAW Toyota Motor Co., Ltd., Harbin Turbine Company and Harbin Boiler to military industrial enterprises inside the province including Shenfei Company of Aviation Industry Corporation of China, Shenyang Liming Aero-engine Company and also leading enterprises of the industry, including Shenyang Machine Tools, Liaoning SG Automotive, Shenyang Airblower Group, Tebian Electric Apparatus. It has established internship and employment bases of secular stability with over 200 enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Dalian, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. The year-end employment rate for graduates in 2014 reached 98.53%, and quality employment rate 76.63%.
         In the past half a century since the establishment of the college, it has abided by the college motto of Great Virtue and Sincere Conduct. And in accordance with the college-running tradition of the electromechanical industry and by carrying forward the college spirit of being ‘unusually able to fight, to sacrifice, to endure hardships and to make innovations’, it has had the honor to win the honorary titles of the Nationwide Huang Yanpei Excellent School Award, the Advanced Collective in Provincial Vocational Education, Provincial Civilization Organization, Provincial Safe Campus, Advanced Collective in the Propaganda Ideology Work of the Provincial Colleges and Universities, Dandong City Advanced Unit, and Dandong City Advanced Party Committee.

地址:辽宁省丹东市振兴区洋河大街30号 邮编:118009  招生热线:0415-3853111(222) 就业热线:0415-3853999(299)
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